Looking by the corner of the eye to Amalia

In the fresh of this morning, I realize that one whole month was spent in the dificult waves of a stormy see, proud, nonetheless, by keeping the hand tight on overmounting them. Many miles won to the dreadful see, only standing for as Pessoa would say "and more than the monster that my soul fear and dwells in the dark of the end of the world, commands the will, that binds me to the helm, of King Don João the Second".

Finantial contraints, relational setbacks, a weary agenda of professional responsabilities leaving me in Lisbon the whole month; faith and literature have been saving me.

But nothing is better than friendship. Father Damaso Lambers. And Joaquim Mendia with his sober style. Two older friends of mine.

One month. August 2013.

Yesterday went to a bookshop and spent almost one hour reading the story of Peter Drucker's life, the father of management. A brilliant man with a desire for knowledge (wisdom?!). A great example of someone who has not closed himself within a box, but who with passion, made a beautiful journey in the long live he lived. Being useful to others and being interested in understanding and fostering the richeness in life. He touched many fields and had a peculiar philosophy of trying every 4 years to be prepared to holding a new subject in its deepest dimensions.

Today I read "The Saint, the surfer and the CEO", greatly impressed by Drucker wisdom and Tuesday 3 Septembrer I will wear my tie and go to work!

I look by the corner of the eye to Amalia, cross the Rua de S. Bento. 



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