3. Of Beauty and Consolation

It is very interesting to observe how we relate to animals. 

I was thinking about which  animal I would choose, if I had to pick one. This came easily: I would pick horses. In Monte Velho, in  Arraiolos, I have dealt with these wonderful animals and from time to time gone trail riding: you can go out into nature, cross beautiful fields, go to lakes and be in this harmony, while you think abour your life.

It's a consolation for me.

"Of Beauty and Consolation": this time we speak of Jane Goodall. Her afectionate way of relating to  chimpanzees, her stories and discoveries about them, makes me think that actually she is absolutely right when saying that animals too have feelings and are capable of long emotional bonds.

Ecology is now in all our political statements. How deep should we think about this? I think it is very important indeed, because a wrong way of looking into things is threatening our planet.

In Monte Velho I can observe those northern europeans, the way they know the names of the horses and how they treat them really well. They too have an affectionate way of relating with animals.

When I used to go on trail riding, I had a most poetical relationship with the horses: they were only to my consolation. But now Monte Velho is a business. How bad could this eventually be on the way we look at animals? Have they became "products" instead of affectionate animals that provide us pleasure and contribute to our deep consolation? Have they ceased to be "God's Creation"? - it's beautiful to assist them grazing while the whole family has breakfast in the varanda...

Last week I travelled to Paris. Véronique Jaeger is one of the owners of Galerie Jeanne Bucher. She sells paintings and has a very affectionate relationship towards the gallery paintings. When she sells paintings she does not want them to go to just anyone. She told us that when someone asks her their worth, she says "I don't think this is the right gallery for you..."

Balance, is what we most need! - Jane Goodall would say that the scientists did not think it was a scientific aproach to give names to animals, as she did: "you should give numbers instead". But once again, could we not have science with heart and business with heart?!


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